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Syed Ahmed
User Name : fareedsydney 
Email : (Hidden) 
Gender : Male
Phone No : (Hidden)
Country : Australia 
City : Sydney 
Age : 37 Yrs
Height : 5 ft 11 inches
Complexion : Light Tan 
Favourite Songs :  
Favourite Movies :  
Occupation : Business 
Religion : Muslim 
Eye Color : Black 
Marital Status : Single 
Interested in : Business or Work, Marriage,  
Friends i like : I am seriously looking for caring, loving, honest, home maker, caring mother, loving wife, family oriented, respectable and understanding girl to be my wife and start a family as soon as possible. I am not looking for Chatting/Dating/Just a friend/fun which I can have in my country Australia. 
More Details :
I am simple, honest, hardworking, respectable, loving, and caring person. Ask me if you wanna more.
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  • Jennybem
    Apr. 30, 2014

    Hello Dear i'am Jeniba!
    i just wanted to wish you a Happy Lovely day and prosperous good health
    How are you doing today? hope you are fine and in perfect condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it so i took interest in it, please if you don't mind i will like you to write me on this Email address ( ) hope to hear from you soon, and I will be waiting for your mail because i have something very important to tell you.

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